full moon
2003-06-15, 11:33 p.m.

Has the full moon disappeared yet?

It has been a hell of a weekend. I'm completely drained so I won't be writing much, but I need to get some of these thoughts down somewhere.

Thursday night. My grandparents' best friend fell and broke his hip. Very, very nice man who I happen to think is great. Then he has surgery, goes into v-tach and has to be shocked. My grandparents are understandably freaked, so am I because it is a solemn reminder that something like that could happen to them any day.

Friday night. My mom's friend's 16 year old son plows through 2 trees and nails a third in a Jeep Cherokee. My boyfriend gets a page telling him to get there immediately, which is always scary when he's supposed to be off. He then tells me that it's the worst thing he's ever seen. The kid hit the first 2 trees so hard, the bolts came unscrewed in the driver's seat and he was ejected. Otherwise, he would be dead pinned up against a tree. Instead, he has broken every bone in every extremity. Conor was shook up, which means it was terrible. Paramedics generally don't panic easily.

Last but not least, my best friend shows up on my doorstep this morning in tears. I've known her for 10 years and seen her cry twice. Her sister tried to kill herself by ODing on drugs. Post-partum depression. She has two beautiful kids but can only focus on the fact that their father is a schmuck. I've talked about it endlessly today and I don't have anything left to say.

Conor and my mother (the ER nurse) blame it all on the full moon. I'm starting to think there's something to that.

After all that depressing news, I feel like I should be more melancholy, but I actually feel pretty good. I think I'm just thankful that my loved ones are safe and healthy.

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