wrong again
2003-08-27, 9:18 p.m.

I probably should turn the computer off right now since it seems that the "severe thunderstorm warning" is no longer a warning, but what the hell, I like to live dangerously. In the 5 minutes of the day when I'm not the most cautious, paranoid person on earth.

I just found out that some morons stole a DaVinci from a castle in Scotland. I have no words to express how much art thieves piss me off. I don't know what it says about my relationship with the rest of the human race, but I am more distraught about the disappearance of a Renaissance work than I am about the Chicago warehouse shootings. Granted, it's not a great DaVinci, but Leonardo himself had nothing to say about that. Some other jackass tried to finish it after he died and turned the Madonna into a cross-eyed ghoul and the Christ Child into an alien. Nevertheless, DaVinci did work on it at one time and I want it back where I can go visit it someday! Okay, I'll step down off the soapbox now.

Now here's the part where some of you start laughing hysterically. I went to DC Monday night and had a grand time at the Justified/Stripped Tour. Say whatever you want about Christina Aguilera and her skanky clothes, but the girl can sing. And I mean sing in the ghetto sense of the word. She was definitely better than I expected and damn good all in all. And as for her male backup dancer who did the makeshift striptease, DAMN! I thought I was watching live porn for a minute and wanted to stick my hand down my pants. I resisted.

As for Justin, no I'm not a little teeny bopped who thinks he's hot, but I do think he's talented. I know I couldn't dance around like that for 2 hours without needed a respirator. And he beatboxed an old rap song which was cool. Anyway, it was a good time and I danced until my knees hurt and sang until I was hoarse.

Then I got hit on by a gay man. I'm still completely confused by this whole encounter. He was queerer than Carson from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." The dude had a manpurse and was wearing what my friend and I have now dubbed as "man-pris." Hello straight men everywhere, would be caught dead in capri pants? I mean, this guy wasn't just ready for a flood, they were full- blown capris, yet he bought me two drinks, wanted my number and rubbed up against me like a cat in heat. Weird.

On the straighter note, I haven't seen my boyfriend since Sunday afternoon. I miss him too, which usually isn't the case because I like my alone time. Maybe I need to revalidate my sexuality after encounter with uber-gay boy. Here's the thing that sucks about having a paramedic for a boyfriend. He works 12 hour night shifts and I work 9-5, which leaves us with a 2 hour window to see each other on the weekdays. It usually doesn't work out.

He does have the weekends off which is a great thing, but sometimes it feels like a long distance relationship where he comes to see me on the weekends. Normally, it doesn't bother me at all. Today, I want to cuddle up in his arms and fall asleep. I don't even want sex (oddly enough), just companionship. Too bad I just heard the ambulance siren wailing. I really thought that I did not have romantic feelings for him. Looks like I may have been wrong. Yet again.

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